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Humans of Dublin got this very moving letter from the son of an older man they photographed

Bill Doran’s story about his tomato plants went viral on Facebook last year.

A MAN WHOSE late father was featured on the Humans of Dublin Facebook page said that the photo was “one of the highlights of his life”.

bill doran Source: Facebook/Humans of Dublin

Bill Doran from Rathmines was photographed by Peter Varga last July at Dun Laoghaire harbour, and shared a personal story about his late wife and their tomato plants:

In the back garden we used to grow tomato plants, but she died about 18 months ago so I stopped growing them. She was a month younger than me, and I was surprised that she passed away before me, so I was just waiting for my turn.
A few months later my neighbours arrived with a box of tomato plants, about 12 little sprouts, and said they’re not giving up on me… They’re about 16 inches high now, and the tomatoes are beautiful on them.

The photo and his story were shared thousands of times, and encouraged others to tell their own stories of loss and grief.

humansofd Source: Facebook/Humans of Dublin

Bill sadly passed away on Sunday, and his son Derrick wrote a letter to Varga to thank him for how happy his photo made his father.

I just would like to let you know he loved what happened from the photo you took and the piece you wrote about him. People from all over the world commented on it, ex-neighbours living in Australia commented on it, and he loved it. It was one of the highlights of his life. He’s been on TV, radio and in the newspapers.
He was an icon well known in Rathmines, and everybody loved him and we were all very proud of him too. Thank you for making a big part of his life so special.


Previously: This heart-melting Humans of Dublin photo is making everyone cry on Facebook>

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